A Position Paper on Neurofeedback for the Treatment of ADHD

Leslie Sherlin; Martijn Arns; Joel Lubar; Estate Sokhadze, Journal of Neurotherapy, 14: 2, 66 — 78 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233473514_A_Position_Paper_on_Neurofeedback_for_the_Treatment_of_ADHD


This position paper provides the current evidence supporting the use of neurofeedback in the treatment of ADHD and recommendations on the implementation of neurofeedback in clinical practice. The paper also provides basic information regarding the diagnosis and psychophysiological etiology of ADHD. The paper does not focus on a specific age range of a clinical population. Unless otherwise noted, we are referring to all subtypes of ADHD (inattentive, hyperactive only, and combined). Conclusions and recommendation are based on the most recent research; however, we also refer to relevant historical studies that support our position on neurofeedback. The readers are strongly advised to research behavioral diagnostic criteria and testing methods elsewhere. This paper is not intended as a comprehensive educational tool for diagnosis or treatment of ADHD. Our purpose is to demonstrate the rationale and to reference the necessary support for neurofeedback in order to be recognized as a legitimate, scientific, and evidence-based intervention for the treatment of ADHD.